What is the plural of Christmas? Christmases, Christmas-i? This year was a very good year.
I planned to stay close to home this year. Both of my brothers and their families came to visit. The youngest sibling came from California for the week, and the middle brother from Tennessee for a long weekend.
Mom baked cookies and put up the tree early in an attempt to have a traditional Christmas. But this was the first time all four of us had been together in probably 6 or 7 years... and we chose some family traditions that aren't usually associated with Christmas. We fried up dozens of pork tacos from a recipe that was shared with mom back in the late 50's. We've been making these together as long as any of us can remember. The feast was accompanied by plenty of cold beer, red wine and ended up in a sing along of 70's rock songs with John on guitar. What a blast!
The siblings with mom |
At the last minute I decided I could not make it through Christmas without seeing my grandkids! So, I packed up the truck, took the dogs to a good friend for their version of camp and headed to Tennessee for a long weekend.
Along the way, I made a quick stop in Georgia at the Carroll's Sausage Company and Country Store. If you are ever traveling along I75, it is so worth the stop. Best sausages ever and a wonderful butcher's counter. There is plenty of room to park with a trailer attached. In fact, there is even an RV park for a quick overnight (although I wouldn't recommend it -- right next to I75 and not a tree in sight. There are much nicer state parks and private RV parks near by.)
Off I75 at exit 82 |
Jams, jellies, gifts - and they serve breakfast and lunch. |
Beautiful selection at their butcher's counter |
but the RV park is pretty desolate and right on I75 with no sound barrier
My visit with the kids was great, even if too short. I got to see everyone and we had a great early Christmas together before I headed back on Monday. Sorry to all my friends in Tennessee that I didn't get to see... this was a very last minute trip :-)
Meanwhile back in Florida, my sister hosted a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner AND Christmas Day brunch - of which I took not a single picture for some reason. They were both lovely, and I didn't have to do a thing but enjoy myself... which I did! Hope your Holidays were meaningful for you and I wish you the best for 2015.
Breezin' and the traveling canines and I plan to have a spectacular year!